I'm Lesley; daughter, wife, mum of three, friend and founder of The Clutter Fairy (not necessarily in that order!)
I've had a few different roles in my working life, from retail management to event organisation. What all of them required in abundance was organisation and a good rapport with people.
Whether it be events, paperwork, people, holidays, wardrobes, kitchens or garages, I am always looking for the next thing to organise!
Staying at home to raise my children allowed me both the time and desire to master an organised home. My house is not perfect, it's a busy home, but there is a place for everything and, when it needs to be, everything is in its place.

A few things happened along the way to turn my passion into a business. Living in America opened my eyes to a society where decluttering, garage sales and recycling were commonplace and the concept of hiring a professional organiser or home stager to help was long established. Since moving back, my husband and I took on the renovation of a derelict property which had been lived in by a compulsive hoarder so extreme he was infamous in the area. My project management skills came into their own and needless to say, the clutter is long gone!
13 years and hundreds of happy clients later, I still love my business as much as I did on Day One. I love it so much, in fact, that I've expanded into offering online support at The Declutter Hub to anyone who can't work with someone one to one. I also record a weekly podcast with my partner Ingrid so have a listen!
I'm so fortunate to be able to help people feel enlightened and happier by creating calmer surroundings after just a few hours together. I can't promise fairy dust and a tutu but I can promise we will put the magic back into your home.